What is web site monitoring all about?

Carl returned to the office after a tough day of negotiations. He 카지노 still was not sure if the crucial deal was on or off, but dinner would soon be waiting and he had just enough time left to check his emails and his phone messages.

He had twelve phone messages, every one of them urgent. Too late to call back right away; that would have to wait for morning.

His inbox held that familiar email report from his web site monitoring service. He smiled. As usual, there were no error alerts. That’s what he liked to see — his web site still performing well.

He looked carefully at the report. All the forms were functioning. The shopping cart, too. Password protection was functioning. At least he did not have to worry about his web site this evening.

There were still some download speed issues reported by the new Hong Kong Monitoring Station. He made a mental note to raise the issue with his web host contact in the morning.

Just as he was putting on his jacket to leave, his cell phone rang.

A few minutes later, he called his wife. “Hi Ruby. How’s dinner doing?”

“Great, Carl. You’ll be home...

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