Gratitude Improves Your Attitude

In the 1980s, I started a daily practice that I still maintain today. I was attending an intense personal growth workshop at Deerwood, Minnesota. One night, as I lay on the top bunk in a rustic dorm room filled with a dozen women, someone mentioned her practice of gratitude.

Aware of my natural tendency to focus on the half-empty cup, I decided to try it that night. I did it again the next night and the next. Now, more than 20 years later, I still continue with a gratitude practice each day.

Why? It helps me shift my attention to the positive, improve my perspective, and appreciate what is working 이슈 well in my life. This, in turn, increases my energy and my happiness. Not a bad outcome for an investment of five minutes or less a day!

Could Gratitude Help You?

It’s easy to drift into focusing on the negative, on problems, and on what isn’t working in your life. But what you focus on expands. So focusing on the negative and on problems gets you more of that, not the enjoyment and fulfillment in life you long for.

If you could use a little improvement in your attitude (and who couldn’t!) gratitude could be very...

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