Why Does New Music Suck?

Im not old, but Im old fashioned. Or, maybe I just long for the good old days like those before me, and like those will after me. Im certain the music that I grew up with was probably mediocre at best, and that it absolutely grated upon the 메이저사이트 ears of my elders. Styles, tastes and the definition of what is current and relevant are always changing with the times. And for older music fans, there is always a quiet war to stem the tide of what is popular and, maybe more interestingly, what will be popular. The most obvious document of that battle are the Grammy Awards. While now they celebrate all forms of music, they were initially designed and developed to award excellence to certain forms of music, and ignore other kinds namely that new style of song called rock and roll.

So, in risk of appearing old and crotchety, I will pose this question: why is there so much crummy music being released these days? Seriously.

Now, I know that the music that I like will be considered lame and awful by most people, and I understand that. But, for the sake of argument, lets assume that I know everything and that I am right. There are many factors that have led to the decline of the...

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